Locating a National Collection - The Travelling Bibles

The Travelling Bibles Story Map outlines the journey of three great Bibles commissioned by Ceolfrith (642–716), abbot of the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow.

Fragments of one of the bibles are held in the collections of the British Library. The map is the result of a collaboration between LaNC research curator Valeria Vitale and the British Library’s medieval manuscript curators. The intention was to explore the complex biography of a single historical object. Whilst our other maps connect GLAM objects to a single location, the Travelling Bibles Story Map illustrates just how many locations a single object might relate to.

StoryMap: The Travelling Bibles.

What you can do with the map

The map is different in design to the others being a narrative or Story Map. It offers a linear journey or narrative consisting of several maps and accompanying text. Scroll down to learn about the journey of the travelling Bibles, drag the maps and click on the location markers to find more information and links to articles and resources.

What was involved in making the map

Valeria Vitale used ESRI’s popular and versatile Story Map platform. The platform offers a graphical user interface and hosting solution which was free-to-use at the time. She chose a Story Map Cascade option, writing the text panels and creating the maps using British Library metadata and in-depth research.